1.1 Welcome

Welcome to the Dark Reign 2 Construction Kit Manual. This manual will provide you with details on the Dark Reign 2 Editor, including tutorials on how to create your own multiplayer maps and single player missions. Additionally, we have included the Technical Reference Manual, which provides details for the Dark Reign 2 scripting language.

Accessing the Editor

To access the Dark Reign 2 Editor you will need to make a custom shortcut. Right-click on the dr2.exe file in your installed folder of Dark Reign 2 and create a shortcut. You will then need to right click the shortcut and select properties at the bottom. Then select the Shortcut tab at the top. Then add the following information to the Target field:

-cmd:"gamegod.studiomode 1;sys.runcode studio"

Do not replace the line. Add the above information to the end. It should end up looking like something like this:

"C:\Program Files\Dark Reign 2\dr2.exe" -cmd:"gamegod.studiomode 1;sys.runcode studio"

You may also access the Editor directly through any mission. Activate the console with CTRL+ALT+F10, then type "sys.runcode studio" to enter the Editor.

Sharing Your Work

After you've created a new map you'll want to share it with friends. Dark Reign 2 allows map transfers in the multiplayer lobby. All maps must be "packed" in .zwp format. To pack your maps, use the drpack program included on your Dark Reign 2 CD. For more information on this, consult the Editor_readme.txt found on the Dark Reign 2 CD.

Be sure to check out Pandemic Studios for new missions, mods and information on creating your own Dark Reign 2 maps!