3.1 Tools Menu

The tools menus are accessed by clicking the "Tools" button in the lower left corner.

Create a new map.
Size of Map
In this box, enter a single numeric value. Size is measured in meters. The map will be this size squared. I.E. if you enter 500, the map will be 500x500 meters. Most maps included in DR2 are roughly 300x300 up to 2000x2000. For reference, 8AngelBay was created at 2048x2048.

There are 6 different default tilesets you can use. A tileset is a set of textures that define the environment. The available tilesets are below. Type one of these names in the "World" box (if you have a patched version of DR2, there will be a pull-down selection box for "World").

Tools Menu
Load an existing map

Save current map

This menu is used to set the default ruleset of the map. Select a ruleset from the pulldown menu (DR2 uses Protect HQ for standard multiplayer maps). If "Fixed Ruleset" is on, the map will be locked with the selected ruleset and won't be playable with other rulesets.

Gluttony: collect 30000 Taelon (or steal 1000)
Protect HQ: team loses if without a Command Center for five minutes
Blood Bath: kill 50 enemies
King of the Hill: build and defend the throne in the center of the map
Control Freak: control all five points
Deathmatch: destroy all enemies
Assault!: escort your Dezigner unit to the defended base

Connected Regions
Display pathable areas based on traction type.

Toggle display options (generally set by video card)

Set water transparency, mirror, waves and cloud layer

Set fog depth, farplane, and additional options (generally set by video card)

Display Video Options screen

Toggle minimap in Studio (refresh to update in Studio)

Play Mission
Load and play current map

Exit Studio
Exit to Main Menu

Close Tools menu