The Weather Menu is used to create and modify weather effects. You are allowed to create many different effects and trigger them when necessary. Weather
effects can have splats that hit the ground and water when they fall. You can create many different splat types as well.
Weather Settings
Rain - Enable/Disable rain/weather effects
Sound - sound file played while rain is active
Texture - rain texture file
Blend - modulate
Color - rain rgb value
Fall - angle of rainfall
Grid/Drop - size of rain grid/number of drops in grid
Spd/Strike - speed of rain/frequency of lightning
Wid/Hgt - dimensions of rain streak
Scale - scale of streak
Ground - Unknown
Water - Unknown
Splat Settings
Splats - Enable/Disable splats
Create - Create splat type
Delete - Delete splat type
Count - number of splats in grid
Texture - splat texture file
Blend - modulate
Color - rgb value
GroundSplat - Sets weather to splat on ground surfaces
WaterSplat - Sets weather to splat on water surfaces
Min W/H - minimum dimensions of splat
Max W/H - maximum dimensions of splat
Off/Life - life of splat