Naming convention for referring to a control from within another control.
Begin searching from the previously created control|
Begin searching from the root control<
Moves to the parent of the current control. Mulitple "<" can be specified to move up more levels..
Seperates control names.
Refers to <sibling
sibling of current control named "sibling". <sibling.child
child of sibling of current control named "sibling". |window
control at root level named "window".
Naming convention for referring to a var from within a control.
Substitute a dynamic var from a control.Use a var at the root scope.
Refers to $
variable "var1" inside of sibling of current control named "sibling". debug.var2
variable named "debug.var2".
Image(string filename)
filename Required, x Optional (0), y Optional (0), width Optional (width), height Optional (height)
filename: Name of texture image.
Uses the entire texture.
Image(string filename, integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height)
filename Required, x Required, y Requried, width Required, height Required
filename: Name of texture image.
x, y: Pixel offset of sub image.
width, height: Size of sub image.
Use a portion of the texture.
Mode(string mode)
Optional, mode("Stretch")
mode: Texture mode.
Can be one of "Tile", "Centre", or "Stretch"
Can take one of 2 formats.
function(integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha)
red Required, green Required, blue Required, alpha Optional (255)
red, green, blue, alpha: Component, between 0 and 255.
function(string colorname)
colorname Required
colorname: One of color names.
Color Name Applies to StdBg Default background StdFg Default foreground ClientBg Edit/Listbox background ClientFg Edit/Listbox foreground HilitedBg Mouse over background HilitedFg Mouse over foreground SelectedBg Selected list item background SelectedFg Selected list item foreground DisabledBg Disabled background DisabledFg Disabled foreground TitleBg1 Modal Title bar upper gradient TitleBg2 Modal Title bar lower gradient TitleFg Modal Title bar foreground TitleHiFg Modal Title bar mouse over foreground TitleLoBg1 Inactive Title bar upper gradient TitleLoBg2 Inactive Title bar lower gradient TitleLoFg Inactive Title bar text
Group Name Applies to Sys::Default All controls Sys::Client Client controls e.g. Edit/Listbox Sys::TitleBar Window title Sys::ListItem Listbox Item
Metric Name Type Description Units SliderWidth integer Slider width pixels ButtonWidth integer Button width pixels ButtonHeight integer Button height pixels TitleHeight integer Title bar height pixels ThinTitleHeight integer Thin Title bar height pixels DropShadowUp integer Drop shadow width when button is up pixels DropShadowDown integer Drop shadow width when button is down pixels ShadowAlpha integer Shadow alpha level - BorderThin integer Thin Border width pixels BorderThick integer Thick Border width pixels VGradient integer Vertical gradient speed - HGradient integer Horizontal gradient speed - TitleFont string Name of title bar font - ThinTitleFont string Name of thin title bar font - PollDelay integer Poll interval of system buttons milliseconds TipDelay integer Tool dip delay milliseconds
Sound Name Example of Usage MenuCommand When a button is pressed MenuPopup When a button is moused over