
Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to compare two quantities.
The tests conducted with relational operators are always value1 operator value2 where value1 is an internally generated number being tested and value2 is the configured amount to test with.

The defined relational operators are:

Arithmetic Operators

Op(string var, string op, string param)
Op(string var, string op, string value)
Op(string var, string op, integer value)
Op(string var, string op, float value)
Op(string var, string op, string value)
var: Name of the var to perform the operation on.
op: Arithmetic operation to perform.
param: Name of the var to use in the operation.
value: Value to use in to use in the operation.

Depending up the type of the var, different arithmetic operations can be performed. For integer vars the following operations are available;
For floating point vars the following operations are available;
For string vars the following operations are available;