This is the official beta 1.2 patch for Battlezone II. It contains a host of new features and bugfixes to make your BZ2 gaming experience the best it has ever been. Fixes and updates include:
- Lots of bugs squashed.
- Win2000 compatibility
- Small framerate speedups
- More reliable network communications
- Game balance tweaks.
- New multiplayer mode: Multiplayer Instant Action (MPI) - A team of humans against the CPU in strategy.
- New multiplayer mode: Race - with plenty of weapons. Improved stability, network performance, and speed.
- 10 New multiplayer maps of various types.
- More tools for map designers, with custom strategic AI.
- More agressive AI in Single Player missions (vs 1.1 patch).
- Server handoff in game support.
Download English BattlezoneIIupdateUS.exe from:
Pandemicstudios.com - Planetbattlezone.com - Fileplanet.com
Download French BattlezoneIIupdateFR.exe from:
Pandemicstudios.com - Planetbattlezone.com - Fileplanet.com
Download German BattlezoneIIupdateGM.exe from:
Pandemicstudios.com - Planetbattlezone.com - Fileplanet.com
Note: These patches are not supported by Activision Customer Support.
3-Pack DLL Sourcecode (1.2) (08/14/00)
Wondered how to make a multiplayer DLL for Battlezone 2? Wondering how to make a DLL compatible with BZ2 1.2? [Not officially released yet] Check out this handy archive, which includes the
complete source code for BZ2 1.2's Deathmatch, Strategy and MPI DLLs, and MS Visual C++ projects to build them. This is unsupported source code, but should provide a good start to making your own.
Download BZ2_MPDLLs.zip from Pandemicstudios.com
Small Textures Pack File (06/12/00)
This pack file contains small textures (64x64) for systems with limited memory, improving game performance. After downloading the file, move the original SMTEX.PAK in the BZ2 game directory to MDTEX.PAK, replacing that file.
Then install the new SMTEX.PAK into the BZ2 game directory. After installation, Texture Size Small will select the 64x64 textures, Medium will select the 128x128 textures, and Large will select the 256x256 textures.
This is an unsupported optional patch, but may help you if your system memory is limited.
Download smtex.pak (3.6 MB) from Pandemicstudios.com
Battlezone II Pack file tool (03/31/00)
Here's the Battlezone II pack file tool from Pandemic Studios. This tool is not supported by Activision Customer Support. Pandemic programmer Ken Miller offers the following info on the tool:
"The official Battlezone 2 pack file tool can of create new pack files given a collection of data files, extract data files from an existing pack file, and list the contents of an
existing pack file. The pack files shipped with the retail version of Battlezone 2 were created with this tool. When creating a pack file, it will attempt to compress source data files
using ZLIB compression and store the data file in compressed form if it is reduced to 75% or less of its original size."
Download drpack.zip from Pandemicstudios.com
Battlezone II 1.1 Official Patch (02/25/00)
Note: The BZ2 Offical Beta 1.2 patch is now available above.
This is the official 1.1 patch for Battlezone II. It enables worldwide multiplayer gaming as well as a number of other notable fixes from the 1.1 beta patch:
- Hauler vehicle now hauls reliably
- Bridge in SCION 5 can be destroyed more easily
- Multiplayer connections and stability improved
- Other assorted fixes and corrections
Download from PandemicStudios.com
Map Making / Editor Documentation (01/11/00)
The following document is a list of tips and instructions for creating maps for Battlezone II.
This document was compiled at Pandemic Studios by BZII Art Director Carey Chico and is not part of the official BZII game documentation published by Activision.
The procedures and information contained in this document are not supported by Activision Customer Support.
editor_documentation.rtf (39.5kb)
Download from PandemicStudios.com
Mod Making Files (01/18/00) (UPDATED!)
The following zip file contains example files for creating single player mission dlls for Battlezone II.
These files were created at Pandemic Studios by BZII Programmer Brad Pickering and are not part of the official BZII code published by Activision.
The contents of this download are not supported by Activision Customer Support.
The creation of mission DLLs is not documented yet. Brad will try to document and help people as time permits.
bz2script.zip (30.3kb)
Download from PandemicStudios.com