Online Reviews
Gamespot UK - 8.5 out of 10
"...an exceptionally playable game that amounts to a tasty distillation of all that has gone before."
Check out the Gamespot UK review.
Voodoo Extreme - 83%
"...a good balance of unit power, solid strategy, and compelling single player campaigns, not to mention gorgeous graphics. "
Check out the Voodoo Extreme review.
PC Gameworld - 93%
"The new reigning champion of real time strategy is Dark Reign 2. In a few choice words, this game kicks Asteroids!"
Check out the PC Gameworld review.
Electric Games - 5 out of 5 stars
"Beautiful graphics, animation, and varying terrain...3D RTS games may still be a bit of a novelty, but this game brings all of the elements together well."
Check out the Electric Games review.
Eurogamer - 9 out of 10
"...with Pandemic releasing new maps on a weekly basis, Dark Reign 2 is sure to become a hit in multiplayer circles."
Check out the Eurogamer review.
GamePro - 4.5
"With its spectacular graphics, awesome sound, and easy-to-use interface, Dark Reign 2 is a perfect example of how to make a great 3D real-time strategy game."
Check out the GamePro review.
Gamers Pulse - 87 out of 100
"Dark Reign 2 gave me everything I was expecting: solid gameplay, great graphics, and a fun way to kill several hours."
Check out the Gamers Pulse review.
Game Unit - 4 out of 5 stars
"...Activision and Pandemic have outdone themselves with this game and have blown away my expectations of RTS games."
Check out the Game Unit review.
Play Now - 9 out of 10
"...eye-popping graphics, killer audio and fantastic gameplay."
Check out the Play Now review.
Adrenaline Vault - 4 out of 5 stars
"...excellent online play with tons of play styles, and has a developer that is committed to continued support of the product."
Check out the A-Vault review.
Daily Radar - Hit
"...arguably the PC strategy game of the year to beat."
Check out the Daily Radar review.
GamePower - 3 out of 4 lightning bolts
"...Dark Reign 2 is an excellent game."
Check out the GamePower review.
Electric Playground - 8.5
"Well worth the wait, Dark Reign 2 puts its aging competition to shame with its polished visuals..."
Check out the Electric Playground review.
HavenGames - 86%
"Pandemic has a real winner on its hands."
Check out the HavenGames review.
Games Domain Review - no rating
"...successfully transforms the 2D RTS format into a stunning 3D environment."
Check out the Games Domain review.
GameRankings.com - 83
"...just plain fun"
Check out the GameRankings review.
Gamers Focus - 8 out of 10
"...the most challenging and entertaining 3D RTS to date."
Check out the Gamers Focus review.
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