"Okay, this is still under debate. Right now, you're freeing the same Booda Shoon who appears in other missions, and was captured in J06. He's being held in a forgotten cell block in the deepest, most forgotten part of the Dome. Chris just sent me an email saying that Booda is already freed in S02. I'm not sure of the chronology of all this, but I am sure that you need to free a healer in this mission, and I'm not giving it to the player at the start. So it'd be really convenient if it was Booda, but if not, make up another name. And this guy is super-powerful too."
- Matt Harding's labyrinthine VO instructions for a single line in Sprawler mission 8

Hess Barber
Hess is the primary 3D modeler for Dark Reign 2. Hess came from Beam Software in Australia where he worked on Dethkarz, KKND Infiltrator and (ahem)Alien Earth. Hess has also been working on Battlezone II. He's been working in the games industry for nearly 5 years now and also writes dance music and has been a nightclub DJ for the past 9 years. In addition, Hess enjoys crocodile wrestling and "hunting wild boar in the outback with my bare hands." Quote: "These yankees are bloody weird." |
Greg Borrud
A California native, Greg has been playing video games all his life. When he was a kid, Greg started programming games on his Atari 800, but got out of computers when he went to high school and all they had were IBM's. Instead, Greg got into the world of acting and went to New York University and Cal State Long Beach to pursue a theater degree. After college, Greg got the typical acting job as a waiter. He did manage to garner some bit parts here and there. He can be seen in Seinfeld, Murphy Brown, and Coach along with the movies Dave, In the Line of Fire, and The Last Action Hero. But Greg yearned for a job in the video game industry. He got the chance in 1995 when he worked on a game for Capcom called Fox Hunt. Later that year, Greg landed a job at Activision where he worked on the Commodore 64 Action Pack, Muppet Treasure Island, and Dark Reign. After Dark Reign, Greg began work as the Director on Dark Reign II. In 1998, he left Activision with the other members of the Dark Reign II team and the Battlezone II team to form Pandemic Studios. Greg says that making video games near the beach is truly a dream job. |
John Cooke
After receiving his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 1985,
John Cooke promptly shifted gears and began his long coding career as a partner of Oakland
Group, a small company that produced a popular programmer's interface library and toolkit
known as C-scape. After the sale of the company and a short sailing sabbatical he began
the process of figuring out what to do next. Games seemed like the most exciting choice,
so he founded his own company, UltraFish (check out ultrafish.com), and began a one man coding adventure. Early In 1998 he
produced a playable demo of a 3D Kung-Fu action/adventure called "Five Elements
Masters." While shopping for a publisher he received an offer he couldn't refuse
and joined Activision/Pandemic Studios as graphics programmer for Dark Reign and BattleZone,
both due for release this year. |
Jack Davis
Jack Davis was born and raised in Southern California. He worked on his first major title, Battlezone II, at Pandemic Studios. He now brings his veteran skills to the design of Dark Reign 2. You can also see his design work in the Sin mission pack "Wages of Sin" published by Activision. Before breaking into the industry Jack was a bored college student and gaming addict who passed the time by creating amatuer game designs and levels. He is very happy to be working on Dark Reign 2 and hopes to be in the industry for a long time. Jack also has a level 60 Necromancer in EverQuest and will kick your ass if you come near. |
Joseph Donaldson
A member of the original Dark Reign team, Joseph is DR2's principal writer and cinematic designer. "Ol' Togra and I are on intimate terms by now," he explains. While an avid RTS player, Joseph is also a big fan of world-building strategy games like Caesar III. He is also an active collector of the 'Ultimate Soldier'™ figures and paraphernalia that crowd the workspace on his desk. "They're not dolls!" he insists, "They're my little friends."
Matt Harding
A shifty-eyed, itinerant drifter, Matt wandered into the Pandemic offices late last year hoping to capitalize on the company's propensity for hiring people named Matt. His previous game credits include Zork Grand Inquisitor, something called Battlezone, and the coincidentally titled, Battlezone II. In addition to game design, he has authored a strategy guide (not fun), worked as a 3D modeler (pretty fun), and was the senior editor of GameWEEK magazine (free games = lots of fun). In his spare time, he enjoys writing about himself in the 3rd person.
Luis Hurtado
Luis Hurtado is a genuine Pandemic child, he was born and raised in Santa Monica, CA. He is an intern at Pandemic and hopes to have a long career working at Pandemic. Luis has 3 years of classical animation experience. and 2 years experience in computer animation. Luis has worked on several popular Half-Life mods. Luis is currently a senior in high school, and intends to go to college and get his BA. Luis wants to become a 3D modeler or lead artist later on in his career.
Adam Iarossi
Adam is a programmer. He does a bunch of cool stuff. After
graduating from University in Australia, he did a brief stint in Hong Kong. With his
thirst for cheap electronics satiated, he moved to Auran where he worked on the original Dark
Reign. These days we call him "Monkč De La Code", which roughly translated
means "The One Who Kicks The Ass". Responsible for many aspects of the Dark
Reign 2 engine, he continually protests that Fosters is NOT "Australian for
beer". |
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher is the Lead Designer on Dark Reign 2. He comes to the
Pandemic from Avalon Hill, the granddaddy of wargaming, where he was a designer on games
such as RuneQuest, Starship Troopers and Monsters Ravage America. A
history major in college, he has devoted his life to wargames and roleplaying games since
the tender age of ten. This is much to the consternation of his lovely wife, Jennifer,
prized maker of the infamous Wookie Cookies. After Dark Reign 2 wraps up,
Christopher intends to finalize his plans for taking over the world. |
Adam Marquis
Adam is a relative newcomer to the gaming industry, though he plans on
staying in the biz as long as his sanity allows. He came to Pandemic from the neighboring
Eight Cylinder Studios, where he was an artist on a project called "Flux". Adam
now works on Dark Reign 2 as a 2D artist. *Shameless plug alert*: You can
see more of Adams work on his personal website " |
Andrew Payne
Better known as Shlime (or more formally "De La Shlime") Andrew is
the Lead Programmer on Dark Reign 2. He came to Pandemic after a whirlwind tour of
Activision, where Dark Reign 2 began. Prior to that he slaved away at Auran
developing the original Dark Reign. His formal training is a BSc from the
University of Queensland, with majors in Computer Science and Botany. After becoming a
programming nut as a kid, the study of plants seemed like a good way to avoid a career
infront of a computer. Unfortunately, Andrew soon realized his programming skills far
exceed his expertise with plants, and skipped lectures to write a really silly game called
His only other interest appears to be Quake II, and he can be found on the ogl.org
ladder if you want to beat him up. Common quotes : "My Ass!" and more recently
"Are you serious?!" (which must be spoken somewhere in the 120dB range for full
effect). Beware the Zwagabeast, for it is coming! |
Nick Punt
Nick, a Santa Monica native, began working at Pandemic as an intern 3d artist in January of 1999, working in Softimage on both Battlezone II and Dark Reign 2. After graduating High School in June of 99, he was hired on as an employee (after threatening to blow up Pandemic with C4 if he wasn't.)
Nick has recently switched from the art team over to design, working on all things DR2 multiplayer. His lifelong love of designing games has finally paid off and he can finally relax and work just 10 hours a week. NOT!
Games Nick is obsessed with are: DR2, DR, BZ, BZ2, CS, TFC, Q3A, TA, Tribes, AD&D, and a whole lot more acronyms, in no particular order. Nick also works on Pandemic's web presence, and loves his Jeep XJ.
And yes, that IS a Pink Floyd poster in the background.
Will Rosas
After serving as lead artist on Battlezone II,
Will now pours his energies into his new post as Art Director for Dark
Reign 2. Will joined Pandemic Studios from Activision where he was a 2D
artist on the original Battlezone. Will Rosas graduated from the School of
Visual Arts, (New York) in June 95 with a degree in Illustration. He's
worked as a freelance illustrator in New York for several years before
moving to Los Angeles to work for Disney Interactive. At Disney he was a
concept and 2D artist on a real time game based on the Aladdin universe.
In his spare time, Will enjoys working with writers designing and
developing characters for children's television shows. |
Matt Versluys
Matt is a programmer and has written many key parts of the Dark
Reign 2 engine. He pushes the C++ language to its limits and generates the most
"INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR" messages of anyone on the team. In his spare time,
Matt writes a LOT of code. He wrote the best
WinAmp plugin ever and won the Tetris division of the X2FTP programming contest in
1995 with "Tribute
to Tetris", but is still waiting for his prize to show up. After studying at the
University of Queensland, he picked up a pile of letters after his name BE(Hons) BSc
MIEEE, and then got to write code for Dark Reign at Auran followed by Dark Reign
Expansion at Activision. He currently holds the Pandemic titles for most monitors (7)
and most computers (4) in his office. |
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